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$900 'Resident Evil' Promotional Keyboard Shows Everything Old is New Again

August 14, 2018 | Brendan Menapace

When we think of the coolest technology items and gifts in the promotional space, a lot of us would probably think of things on the cutting edge of technology, like Bluetooth speakers, home assistants like Amazon Alexa or high-end headphones.

We probably don’t think of things like typewriters or turntables for vinyl records. Those are pretty antiquated by now, right? Well, technically, yes. But, it’s been the ongoing trend for the last few years that retro is where it’s at.

An item included in a premium edition of the “Resident Evil 2” remake comes with a Bluetooth keyboard modeled after old-fashioned keyboards, but is compatible with tablets. The keyboard alone costs $676, and the collector’s edition with “ink ribbon” masking tape will cost $900, according to Variety.

So, it’s not exactly a typewriter in the way that we know, but it’s still an indicator that retro is the new style. Think about those re-released Nintendo systems that sold out in like a nanosecond. Think about how bands like Mumford and Sons can dress up like they’re in “Grapes of Wrath” and also sell out Wembley Stadium.

The kids want the newest technology, but they also want that glimpse of antique authenticity that comes with modeling items off of other items they’ve likely never used and possibly have never seen.

The price tag on this “Resident Evil” keyboard just backs that up.

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