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Custom Size Paper Webkey

Custom Size Paper Webkey

This custom paper webkey has two layers of 250gsm or 350gsm paper depending on the size of the paper webkey. You can customize the paper webkey to any size or shape you like. If you are looking to drive traffic to your website, the webkey is the best choice! What are webkeys? Paper webkeys contain a customer designated web URL. When a user plugs the webkey into a computer, a small program runs which opens a web browser window and launches the designated web page. Webkeys have no memory to store data and they are more inexpensive than USB drives. Another benefit of webkeys over USB flash drives, is webkeys only launch a webpage the information users see is always the latest information on customer's webpage. Price Includes: Webkey with no memory to store data Free setups Free URL setup Free virtual proof Free logo PMS matching Free standard shipping to 1 continental US commercial location


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