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2oz Moisturizing Sanitizer with Beads

2oz Moisturizing Sanitizer with Beads

New aromatic hand sanitizer with moisturizing beads! The moisture beads contain vitamins A, and E to help keep your skin radiant. Mixed with our 62% alcohol antibacterial hand sanitizer, and four new alluring fragrances, your hands will thank you. And in case you are concerned our moisture beads are plastic-free (not to be confused with dreaded microbeads), just moisturizing goodness. New scents: Lavender Breeze features the soothing scent of sweet basil, lavender, and lemon aroma, Berry Bliss highlights ripe notes of fresh berries, grapefruit, and mango, Citrus Infusion offers a refreshing grapefruit and mandarin breath of fresh air Sunshine and Sandalwood deliver the clean scent of gardenia, jasmine, and sandalwood Added Fragrances: Pineapple Parlay, Passionfruit Sunset and Mint Refresher


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