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Traveler Face Cover

Traveler Face Cover

The Traveler Face Cover is a stylish three-ply protective face cover designed with movement in mind. Adjustable head strap/lanyard for added comfort and better fit, PU patch for subtle branding. Machine washable, reusable, and comfortably breathable. One-size-fits-all functionality, ideal for smaller faces. Individually packaged in a sealed reusable bag. These masks should not be used in any surgical setting or where significant exposure to liquid, bodily or other hazardous fluids, may be expected; In a clinical setting where infection risk level through inhalation is high; or In the presence of a high-intensity heat source or flammable gas. No warranties are made, express or implied, that the mask prevents infection or the transmission of virus or disease.


  • Setup Charge
  • Setup Discount Code
  • Reorder Setup Discount Code
  • Product Dimensions
    6" L x 4 1/2" H
  • Product Colors
  • Product Material(s)
    100% Cotton
  • Decoration Size(s)
    1W 0D" x 3/4"
  • Decoration Location(s)
  • Decoration Method(s)
    Full Color Direct to Substrate
  • Made In
  • Production Time
    5 Business Days
  • Packaging
    Individually bagged
  • FOB
  • Notes
    These masks should not be used in any surgical setting or where significant exposure to liquid, bodily or other hazardous fluids, may be expected; In a clinical setting where infection risk level through inhalation is high; or In the presence of a high-intensity heat source or flammable gas. No warranties are made, express or implied, that the mask prevents infection or the transmission of virus or disease.
  • Proposition 65 Warning
    No Warning Needed
  • Standard Imprint Size & Location
    1W 0D" x 3/4" Patch
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