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Starbucks' New Halloween Tumblers Are So Popular There's Already a Resale Market

September 30, 2019 | Sarah Semple

Fall is finally here, which means spooky decorations and pumpkin-spice everything are flooding all your local stores. And while it just turned October, Halloween is kicking off early, as Starbucks released an entire line of limited-edition Halloween-themed reusable hot and cold tumblers this week. And there’s already a resale market for them online.

The new hot beverage cups come in a pack of six, each in a different color and with a different Halloween design: pumpkins, skulls, spider webs, black cats, moths and a bird we’re assuming is a raven. The designs give the appearance of a stencil or chalkboard-look in either white or black. Most of the graphics are common decorations associated with fall and Halloween, but the moth and bird are two that we don’t see as often. They’re all spooky, but fun!

This release offered other options, too. There’s a black travel mug with web detailing, and a white skull mug. And there are three other cups available—one that’s matte black, one with a glitter spider web and another with a compilation of designs similar to those on the reusable hot cups.

Starbucks has been releasing holiday-themed cups for a number of years. Even though these new Starbucks cups have been out for less than a week, they’re already popping up on online resellers like eBay (just like those color-changing ones we saw before) for listing prices as high as $300. It’s an indication of how quickly the limited-edition, reusable cups are selling out in some stores, though we’re not sure if any of them are actually selling for those extreme resale prices. It appears that several have sold at lower (but still higher than retail) prices.

It’s unclear how many and which Starbucks locations are carrying the Halloween-themed cups, so fans looking to get their hands on the glitter tumbler or skull mug should run to their nearest store as if they were being chased by zombies.

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