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Collection X Total Access Backpack 7-piece Bundle

Collection X Total Access Backpack 7-piece Bundle

Many organizations feel the hybrid approach will be the ideal workplace solution, so when splitting your worktime between home and office, choose the tools that offer you the flexibility and features to ensure your productivity as you work portably and efficiently.

fill your ashbury bg118 collection x total access backpacks well-organized sections with your laptop and your ppe. Attach hw903 kagis split keyring to your bag and use this aluminum, touch-free keychain as a protective barrier between your hands, door handles and elevator buttons. The ec913 bamboo mask and hw906c antiseptic hand sanitizer gel will help to keep you safe when commuting and social distancing. Practical basics like the st4178 milana journal, with a built-in ribbon bookmark to always save your place and i144 krissy aluminum pen / stylus, are workplace essentials when traveling back and forth between meetings. Bring order to your work surface by bringing along t1045 tibo, the versatile pen holder with charge hubs, as a helpful addition to personalize your desktop workspace wherever you are.

bundle includes:
bg118 collection x total access backpack
st4178 milana hard cover journal
i144 krissy ballpoint pen/stylus
ec913 bamboo adult face mask
hw903 kagi aluminum touch-free keychain
hw906c antiseptic hand sanitizer gel with tropical coconut scent 2 fl oz / 60 ml
t1045 tibo rubberized light up logo pen holder with charge hubs


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